Quality management
Quality management and customer satisfaction are our top priorities.

Quality management at GBM Gleisbaumechanik
To ensure quality and environmental protection, we use our long-established quality and environmental management system to plan and process our orders.
GBM is a certified workshop for rail vehicle maintenance and repair per the following credentials:
- Certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
- Certified for the provision of maintenance and maintenance development according to implementation regulation (EU) 2019/779
- Certified according to SNCF regulations; wheelset machining IS2-IS3
- Certified according to DIN EN 15085-2; Welding and bogie overhaul of rail vehicles and parts
- Maintenance in accordance with the VPI regulations (VPI-EMG)
Quality management at GBM Gleisbaumechanik
To ensure quality and environmental protection, we use our long-established quality and environmental management system to plan and process our orders.
GBM is a certified workshop for rail vehicle maintenance and repair per the following credentials:
- Certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
- Certified for the provision of maintenance and maintenance development according to implementation regulation (EU) 2019/779
- Certified according to SNCF regulations; wheelset machining IS2-IS3
- Certified according to DIN EN 15085-2; Welding and bogie overhaul of rail vehicles and parts
- Maintenance in accordance with the VPI regulations (VPI-EMG)
GBM is a certified workshop for rail vehicle maintenance and repair per the following credentials:
- DIN EN ISO 9001-2015 GBM_DIN_EN_ISO_9001_EN.pdf
- ECM 7360 GBM_ECM_7360_EN.pdf
- ECM 7361 GBM_ECM_7361_EN.pdf
- SNCF-Zertifikat GBM_SNCF_Zertifikat_2025.pdf
- DIN 15085-2 Schweißen GBM_Zertifikat_nach_DIN_ISO_15085-2_Schweissen.pdf
- DIN 6701 Klebezertifikat GBM_DIN_6701-2_Klebezertifikat_Neu.pdf
- VPI VERS-Certificate GBM_VPI_VERS-Zertifikat.pdf
- Q1 Lieferantenqualifizierung DB-AG GBM_Q1_Zertifikat.pdf
- Autorisierungsurkunde INAW GBM_Autorisierungsurkunde_INAW_2024.pdf
- ZfP Autorisierungsurkunde GBM_ZfP_Autorisierungsurkunde.JPG
- Fachbetrieb nach WHG GBM_Fachbetrieb_nach_WHG.pdf
- Inspektionsbescheinigung ZfP GBM_Inspektionsbescheinigung_ZfP.pdf
- Einstufung der Qualitätsfähigkeit AWI GBM_DB_AG_Einstufung_Qualitaetsfaehigkeit_AWI.pdf
- Strabag Lieferantenaufnahmebestätigung GBM_Strabag_Lieferantenaufnahmebestaetigung.pdf
Contact us
Are you interested or do you have any questions? Then please use the contact form or call us directly.